Unconscious Bias & Microaggression Workshop with ILPA
I was thrilled to facilitate a second workshop with Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) employees onsite in Toronto exploring unconscious bias, microaggressions, and upstander strategies.
Many thanks to the entire ILPA team-- and a special thanks to Jyoti Marwaha, MSHRM, PHR, CPCC and Jennifer Carnithan Choi for their leadership and commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable organization.
Here is what Jennifer Carnithan Choi, CEO of ILPA, said of the session.
“Our incredible ILPA team gathered in Toronto last week for our twice-yearly offsite. Every six months, we set time aside as a team to reset, to reflect on our progress and to think creatively about the future of ILPA... our gratitude to Dr. Derrick Gay for an exceptional workshop on Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions - we are, as ever, excited to continue our journey as an inclusive organization. ”