Intercultural Competency and Belonging at Escuela Americana El Salvador
During my 4th visit to Escuela Americana, we focussed on building capacity with faculty and staff, data collection, and student education.
Day 1: I shared previous student focus group themes with faculty and staff and designed an elementary school and secondary school case study to provide adults with a processing and action protocol to address belonging challenges.
Day 2: I facilitated focus groups with parents, students, faculty and staff in English and Spanish to learn more about belonging strengths and growth areas. I also consulted with the entire counseling team to brainstorm strategies to address focus group data.
Day 3: I facilitated additional focus groups and led an Intercultural and Belonging workshop for seniors, framing the content activities around skills they will need to cultivate in preparation for college next year, principally in The United States, Mexico, Spain and other countries.
I love sustaining longterm relationships with clients where I am able to become part of the community and support belonging overtime. I also enjoyed hanging out with Jennifer DeLashmutt, who was also consulting with EA. Many thanks to the EA community and Polly Parker, PhD for her leadership.