Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Year 3 at Cayman Prep & High School in Cayman Islands

It was a privilege to return this week to Cayman Prep & High School to support their ongoing commitment to cultivating a culture of dignity, respect, and belonging.

I look forward to returning in January to share findings from the student and staff Belonging Survey and to continue leading strategic planning.

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Georgetown International Academy

Many thanks to Shauna Hobbs-Beckley, EdS , head of school, and the entire Georgetown International Academy community for another meaningful consultation. Looking forward to returning soon!


We’re excited to announce that Dr. Derrick Gay, an internationally recognized belonging and intercultural strategist, researcher, author, and university lecturer, recently returned to Georgetown International Academy (GIA) for his third three-day visit. With experience consulting in over 50 countries, Dr. Gay brings a wealth of knowledge to our school as we continue our journey to cultivate and sustain an inclusive school community .

During his time with us, Dr. Gay conducted insightful focus groups with students, staff, and parents, gaining valuable insights into how our community understands and experiences belonging, as well as the pace of change at GIA. With over 340 students and their families from around the world, along with local and international staff, it’s crucial that we continuously learn and support the diverse needs of all our community members.

Dr. Gay’s findings have provided us with meaningful strategies to deepen our efforts and ensure that GIA is a place where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. We eagerly anticipate his fourth consultation in January as we continue to build capacity to foster a school community of dignity and respect for all.

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Scarsdale Public Schools: Year 5

I'm excited to continue my partnership with Scarsdale Public Schools as their belonging and intercultural strategist.

In our recent session, we collaborated with district leaders to dive deeper into last year's belonging survey data. I also designed a focus group training to build capacity of building leaders to gather qualitative insights based on survey emergent themes from students, staff, and parents.

Our discussion with parent leaders was particularly insightful, as we listened to their feedback, and learned about their hopes for the upcoming school year.

As we move forward into 2024-25, I look forward to continuing our strategic work with the administration, leading student assemblies, and refining our district strategy informed by this year’s data.

Many thanks to Drs. Drew Patrick and Edgar McIntosh, and the entire district for their ongoing commitment to deepening belonging and fostering a culture of dignity and respect across the district.

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Lycée Français de New York

I was delighted to return to the Lycée Français de New York for the seventh year to onboard new staff as we continue our efforts to foster belonging and cultivate a culture of dignity and respect.

A huge thank you to Jérémie Bourdon head of school; Dr. Arthur Plaza, dean of innovation & professional learning ; and Dr. Angela Fatou Gittens, director of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, for their ongoing partnership and support. I am looking forward to continuing this important work together!

Equally exciting was the opportunity to debut Episode 1 of my international school belonging podcast--- in French! Listen to the French podcast below.

J'ai été ravi de retourner au Lycée Français de New York pour la septième année afin d'intégrer le nouveau personnel alors que nous poursuivons nos efforts pour favoriser le sentiment d'appartenance et cultiver une culture de dignité et de respect.

Un immense merci à Jérémie Bourdon, chef d'établissement ; Dr. Arthur Plaza, doyen de l'innovation et de l'apprentissage professionnel ; et Dr. Angela Fatou Gittens, directrice de la diversité, de l'équité, de l'inclusion et du sentiment d'appartenance, pour leur partenariat et leur soutien continus. J'ai hâte de poursuivre ce travail important ensemble !

Tout aussi enthousiasmant était l'opportunité de présenter le premier épisode de mon podcast sur l'appartenance dans les écoles internationales--- en français !

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Jakarta Intercultural School

I had a lovely trip to Indonesia a few weeks ago to consult with Jakarta Intercultural School.

During my five- day visit, I met incredible students, staff, and parents as I led strategy consultations and education sessions to build capacity to foster a culture of dignity and respect.

But don’t take my word for it- watch the video!

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Belonging at Town School for Boys

I am honored to have delivered the 2024 Orientation Keynote at Town School for Boys, where I've had the privilege of partnering over the past 8 years to foster a culture of dignity and respect.

Key Highlights

  1. Keynote Address: I shared the latest DEIB trends in U.S. independent schools, focusing on belonging and the latest research on how socioeconomic status (SES) informs sense of belonging for students, employees, and families.

  2. Case Studies: I led targeted workshops for K-2, 3-5, and 5-8th grades, providing specific strategies using pragmatic case studies and my DEIB Action Protocol™.

  3. Gratitude: A heartfelt thank you to Lorri Hamilton Durbin, Flora Mugambi-Mutunga, and Jennifer Liu for their ongoing partnership.

  4. Looking Ahead: I am excited to continue working with the boys and parents later this year!

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Saint Andrew’s School

I recently returned to Saint Andrew’s School to onboard my 19th cohort for a full day workshop, "Reframing Diversity to Drive Belonging."

Every adult employee—teachers, counselors, administrators, building and grounds staff, security personnel, administrative assistants, and custodians—has participated in this essential training. I find it ironic that schools often limit belonging professional development to teaching faculty. All adults contribute to community. In fact, students often cite some of their most meaningful relationships with non-teachers in the community.

I look forward to returning in February to continue this vital work, reinforcing our collective commitment to foster a culture of dignity and respect for all.

Many thanks to Drs. Danielle Firmino and Chris Harth, and Ethan Shapiro for their partnership.

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Leveraging Belonging Data to Support Phone-Free Schools

Ongoing research has highlighted the growing concern around the negative impact of cellphones in schools. From distractions in the classroom to the erosion of meaningful social interactions, the evidence is clear: our students are struggling with more than just their studies.

At International School of Panama, our recent Belonging Survey data reveals a troubling trend—students are feeling increasingly disconnected from their peers and learning environments. This is a wake-up call for all of us.

I invite you to read this instructive article in The International Educator (TIE) written by my colleague, Francesca Mulazzi, Ed.D., where she dives deep into this pressing issue and explores actionable steps to foster communities of dignity and respect.

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro 🇧🇷

I am deeply appreciative of the continued partnership with EARJ - Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro as we embark on year four of our efforts to cultivate a culture of dignity and respect.

The faculty and staff were deeply engaged and committed throughout the two days of professional development, as we explored strategies to reframe diversity to drive belonging within EARJ’s context.

Diversity includes everyone. Therefore, everyone contributes to and is responsible for fostering a sense of belonging so that all students thrive and flourish.

Special thanks to Dr. Steven Desroches, head of school, and Cody Alton, director of student supports, and to all faculty and staff for their committment to this critical mission-aligned work!

Agradeço imensamente a parceria contínua com a EARJ - Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro ao iniciarmos o quarto ano de nossos esforços para cultivar uma cultura de dignidade e respeito.

O corpo docente e a equipe estiveram profundamente engajados e comprometidos durante os dois dias de desenvolvimento profissional, enquanto explorávamos estratégias para reformular a diversidade e promover o pertencimento dentro do contexto da EARJ.

A diversidade inclui todos. Portanto, todos contribuem e são responsáveis por promover um senso de pertencimento para que todos os alunos prosperem e se desenvolvam.

Agradecimentos especiais ao Dr. Steven Desroches, diretor da escola, e a Cody Alton, diretor de apoio ao aluno, e a todo o corpo docente e à equipe por seu comprometimento com esse trabalho fundamental alinhado à missão!

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Derrick Gay Derrick Gay

Latest Article Published in ISC Research

I am thrilled to share my latest article, "Reframing Diversity to Drive Belonging in International Schools," exploring how international schools unintentionally undermine diversity efforts by relying on US models that simply don't work outside of the United States.

Read the article to learn reframing strategies to foster a culture of dignity and respect at your international school.

Thank you to ISC Research and Adam Gray-Sims for their partnership!

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